The tennis machines help a lot to sharpen the work of the feet, the setting of the ball and the general control of the ball and the laps. And because you can adjust the intensity of the machine, it will also help you increase the resistance. That said, here are two of the best machines for tennis balls you should consider buying. Lobster Sports Elite 1 Portable tennis ball machine for sale The Lobster Sports Elite 1 portable tennis ball can be a little expensive on the market, but is perfect for beginners. It comes with pretty decent features and specifications that help you improve your game. It is a battery machine that weighs only 15 kg, making it one of the lightest tennis machines on the market. You can easily take it and take it wherever you want. Only with a single charge, it will work for at least 2 or 4 hours, depending on the intensity with which it is performed. You can also run it in CA, but it requires an extension cable, long enough ...